The well child visits is a vital part of the Sibling Relationship National Program. Established in 1986, this program supports families that have a child with a disability and their extended family. There are different supports available, depending on the needs of the family. It is important to prepare as much for your child’s well being and development as possible so that he or she has the best possible start in life. In the United States there are federal programs and also state and local programs that help families prepare for and also enjoy the well-child visits. You may wish to learn about the local programs that are available to you.
When you plan your child’s visit it is always helpful to have someone else there with you to make sure the visit goes smoothly. It is wise to have a sitter or perhaps even a member of the child’s immediate family there. The purpose of the visit is to get familiarized with your child’s condition and to learn more about him or her. You will want to do a few minutes of talking, and this should include any concerns or fears that you may have. This will provide the doctor with a better understanding of the child’s health care needs.
It is very common for parents to worry that their child may have some sort of infection during or after the well child visit. One concern that many parents have is whether or not they should allow the child outside or be in the same room with the nurse during the visit. It is important to understand that although a nurse is present, she is not allowed to give medications to the child. You will be able to go through all of the procedures that the doctor has set up during the visit and then discuss any needs that your child may have. It is a good idea for you and your child to talk about any issues that you may be experiencing, as this will make it easier for you when it comes time to discuss any potential treatments. Remember, you do not have to follow the doctor’s orders, but you will need to listen to them carefully so that you can feel confident that you are doing what is best for your child.
If the visit does not go well, you may find that you are given instructions by the doctor. If this occurs, you will need to take some time to think about what you would like for your child to hear. Some people ask their children to repeat their actions to them during the visit. You should consider asking what your child likes or does not like during the visit. This will help you answer the question that your doctor may have asked. If there are things that your child does not want to hear, then it is likely that he or she would like to tell you something different.
During a well child visit, it is often recommended that both parents stay and interact with their child. Some doctors prefer one parent to stay while the other one goes. Although this is sometimes not necessary, it is always best if both parents are there for their child. This is especially true when a child has special needs. When a child needs help from more than one parent, this is sometimes referred to as a multi-disciplined child. When parents are able to work together, it can be better for the child.
When the visit is finished, your child may look a little overwhelmed with all of the people that were there to see him or her. You may want to give your child a small thank you shake if the visit was positive. There may be many other things in your child’s future that he or she will remember this visit. As you can see, it does not have to be a traumatic experience. Rather, it can be a very positive experience for your child if you make it fun.